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I don understand how you can overtly ridicule your employer target customer and not wind up fired for it. It goes to show how lost Riot isHello, Rioter here on his personal account. The fact this drama has continued on into Holy Sunday is ridiculous. cheap jerseys I could say my phone is god, come up with my own characteristics of what god is, and show you it matches my phone exactly, so therefor my phone is god.You're not a agnostic nonbeliever, you are an agnostic atheist. If you do not actively hold a belief in a god or gods, you're an atheist. While you made be able to fuck around with the word god as a pantheist, not going to let you change the meaning of theist. cheap jerseys Cheap Jerseys china The SEC's complaint alleges that since approximately 1990, Benson has been offering and selling investments in Ben Wal Leasing in the form of promissory notes, guaranteeing annual returns of 12% and claiming that investors have earned annual returns up to 18%. Ben Wal Leasi...